How to Waterproof Leather and Suede Boots
Waterproof boots and shoes are a must to repel water, keep feet warm, and get another five years out of them. Whether you live in the moisture-loving Pacific Northwes...

How to Repair Boots and Shoes
Learn how to permanently repair shoe soles, worn-out heels, leaks and peeling boot rands in these step-by-step instructions using Aquaseal SR.

Add Reflective Tape to Running and Biking Gear

How to Patch Pants: Tips from the SectionHiker
8 Tips for Getting Kids Outdside
There’s no better way for families to create lasting memories than by taking them on an outdoor adventure. No matter where you go, it’s always a new experience. But ge...
How to Clean Smelly Boots and Shoes
5 Fall Hiking Tips
Fall is a Great Time for Hiking Cooler temperatures and fewer crowds (and bugs!) make fall a perfect time for hiking. Here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest, we love ...
Restore or Create Water Repellency for Footwear
Step 1: Remove laces. Eliminate dirt and trail hardened grime with Revivex Boot and Shoe Cleaner and air dry. Step 2: Apply Revivex Suede and Fabric Water Repellent...

What's in Your Backpack
Packing your bag for your first overnight backpacking trip might seem like a daunting task. What food do I bring and how much? Where does my tent go? And how do I fit...