How to Waterproof Leather and Suede Boots
Waterproof boots and shoes are a must to repel water, keep feet warm, and get another five years out of them. Whether you live in the moisture-loving Pacific Northwes...

How to Waterproof a Jacket

How to Wash a Down Jacket

How to Repair a Down or Nylon Jacket

How to Wash and Restore GORE-TEX Products

Down Jacket Repair Made Easy
You just dropped two bills on a brand new puffer coat and the first thing you do is snag a hole. Next thing you know you are leaking feathers and losing down. No need ...

10 Savings Tips During Ski Season
The snow is piling up in the mountain, and you’re feeling the itch to get out and play in it. For outdoor aficionados, skiing is one of the best ways to enjoy winter....
Down Fill vs Synthetic Insulation
All that technical jargon about down fill and synthetic insulation got you confused? When you’re looking for a new puffy jacket there are a few important things you sh...

Avoiding Summit Fever with Good Group Dynamics
Group Dynamics while Hiking and Touring with Friends in the Backcountry When we head out on a hike or ski tour, it’s typically an informal setting with friends. You he...
Importance of Layering
We've all been there, you start out your hike in the sunshine and finish in a downpour. Your hiking clothes should be like an onion. Peeling off layers until you find ...

Backcountry Nutrition in the Mountains
Mountain Travel What’s necessary for mountain travel: Endurance Strength Speed Mental Clarity Dexterity All of which are affected by nutrition. When any of the above...
Maintaining Your Down Outerwear
Step 1: Prior to washing, apply cleaner directly to heavily soiled areas. Close all zippers and Velcro tabs. Step 2: Fill sink or tub with just enough warm water to...